In 1878, the first female telephone operator began her job in Boston, USA. Her name was Emma Nutt.
It's as if Emma knew Lily. Lily Tomlin that is, and her iconic Ernestine the telephone operator. I can picture Emma now, taking to task the policies and eventual omnipotence of Ma Bell.
Aren't monopolies wonderful. Well no, but I always loved the 1940s inspired outfit Ernestine wore, right down to the sandals and up to the hair do.
Particularly the shoes, as I've found Re-Mix Vintage Shoes. Vintage shoes are one of those items I do not have luck finding in good condition. I am extremely picky about shoes so was tickled to find these reproductions and want just about every pair! They carry original unworn vintage and are always expanding their reproduction line.
Think One Ringy Dingy, Two Ringy Dingys and slip on a pair of these.