Diaries Magazine

One Of The Horrific Sights Of AIDS

By Latoya @latoyallawrence


Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 9:43 AM EDT

About eight years ago, when i use to sometimes kill time around this street-woman named Venus i had had a very vivid vision about her. The vision showed her extremely thin in size being eaten away by AIDS.

Back then at that time she was big in size.

She has come down quite a bit at the least of my saying for a long while now but she has gotten worse. Some time in the middle of last month i was on my block making my way home from shopping when i happened to spot her passing through with some other tore down-looking woman.

I could see from a distance and then when she got up on me from out the corner of my eye how really bad her situation was. She moved out of my way to let me get by since i was lugging a few heavy bags then she continuously kept staring at me for me to speak to her.

I haven’t spoken to her in years and do not plan on doing so. Once i cut a person loose it’s for keeps.

One of the reasons i did not look up in her face was because of her appearance. It was terrifying. The side of her face near her head is peeled. She’s a dark complexioned woman so it shows up kind of bad, looking something like vitiligo.

She is so skinny and sickly-looking. I can see so deep into her because of my senses, i knew what she was going through and i just kept my head straight because i didn’t want to be near that shit.

She lived by the sword and now she is dying by the sword and i was able to see it. She appeared a little worse now than what she appeared back then in my vision. Aids is some foul shit.


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