The ever inspiring Inês, from Pretty Little Things, has generously nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you so much for reading my blog, and enjoying, I’m happy you think I’m worthy of this award!
To accept this lovely award:
- Thank and link back to the amazing person who nominated you
- List the rules and display the award icon
- Share seven facts about yourself
- Nominate 15 other amazing bloggers. Comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated
- Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you
Now, here’s a little bit more about myself…
1. I enjoy watching anything based in significant time periods of history, especially anything set in the 1920’s.
2. I can spend everyday making ice cream and pie. I get excited about creating new recipes, and can honestly eat both everyday, but I would much rather spend an entire day making a pie just to share with others.
3. I grew up on a farm during my summers in Portugal, and would one day love to own my own farm and bakery.
4. I’ll never say no to doing something or having a new experience. Especially if it includes traveling!
5. I’m obsessed with playing Just Dance, and am having a really hard time accepting the fact I can’t dance for another eight months because of my ACL surgery.
I now nominate these lovely blogs for this award {in no particular order}:
2. Eat Drink Cook
4. Twin Days
9. Maison Bentley Style
14. Gusto and Grace
15. Dora’s Table