“Once Upon A Time” returned to Channel 15 in Tempe on Sunday night, and now fans are being given more inside scoop on what is to come on the series second season. On Sunday, September 30, TV Guide shared the latest comments made by the men behind the series, Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis.
During the season premiere, the curse was broken, and Mr. Gold unleashed a wraith in Storybrooke with its eyes set on Regina. Emma and her parents were able to help rid the town of the ghostly beast, but it dragged Emma through a portal with it. Snow White followed her daughter, but Charming was left in our world.
Horowitz and Kitsis reveal that many answers to the questions brought up in the premiere will be answered in the next nine episodes. This includes the identity of the man seen in the first two minutes of the episode. Theories for that include him being Henry’s father or Rumplestiltskin’s son. Of course, he could be both. The identity of Henry’s father will also be revealed by the end of the season, according to the pair.
As for Emma, she is now stuck in fairy tale world with her mother. Horowitz and Kitsis said the following about the twist:
“[We wanted] to take Emma into a land that she’s never been to and then have it be a difficult place where maybe she’s not as beloved as she would want to be… And with the person that she had, up until now, been the big sister to. Now she’s in a land where that person is her mom and knows better. That’s a tough adjustment for anyone.”