Fashion Magazine

On These Hot Lazy Days

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
On these hot lazy days
Finding pleasure in the small (and hot!) moments of summer. I feel the most blessed when I am with those that I love, lounging barefoot in the grass with a good book in hand. It doesn't matter what state, country, or even if there's a cloud in the sky...just as long as I have sunshine.  Also, on a serendipitous whim, I decided to color the ends of my hair pink...
On these hot lazy days
On these hot lazy days
On these hot lazy days

On these hot lazy days

This is Sir Francis Lots o' Puff. My guinea pig.

On these hot lazy days

On these hot lazy days

On these hot lazy days

On these hot lazy days

little jewel of the day: a pink/purple coconut!

The book I just finished was such an interesting read. It is about Marie Antoinette's first, and only (?) surviving child, and her life before, during, and after the French Revolution. I absolutely love biographies! If you love to read, or just love to learn, I high recommend the site I am so addicted! 

On these hot lazy days

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
PS a warm and happy welcome to my new followers Liv Fashion Boutique, and to Faye of Bella's Blog (a fellow polish lover I see!). I'm so happy to have you guys here!

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