Fashion Magazine

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, Blondie’s Shop Said to Me…

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_


On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me… eight rubber duckies, seven lemon-limes, six little {hello}’s, five golden trees, four french monograms, three winter wonderlands, two you’re invited, and one i hope you know how much i care.

Later today I’ll be baking cookies with Mel and mom.  I highly recommend you follow along to the cookie making shenanigans!  I’ve missed the last few years due to work and my year-end schedule but, took the time to participate this year.  Luckily enough I’m able to do so as well!

I’m looking forward to making the cookie cutouts (new recipe), crescent moons and chocolate chip oatmeal.  Yummy!  And yes, I’ll be eating some dough too!  Check back later this week for cutout recipe and decorating process.

Catch up on the first 7 days of Christmas here: first,  second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.


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