INNER BEAUTY - THE MONDAY PEP TALK The author of best selling book Gone Girl, recently turned into a movie, Gillian Flynn tells SELF Magazine about how to find inspiration and overcoming self doubt, among other things.
ON FINDING INSPIRATION "There's no waiting for a muse. You just have to sit at your computer and make yourself do it. I write from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. because of my kids, but if I had my druthers, I'd go from 9 p.m. to four o'clock in the morning. That's when my brain feels clickiest."
ON OVERCOMING SELF-DOUBT "When I was laid off from my job as a TV critic for Entertainment Weekly, where I'd worked for 10 years, I felt embarrassed and junky. I've handled self-doubt in different ways while working on new projects. Sometimes it's a matter of stepping away for a few days. Sometimes it's a glass of bourbon!"
MY REFRESH ROUTINE "Every afternoon, I go for an hour's walk around my neighborhood. I'm getting exercise, but I do it to reset my brain."
Read the whole interview with Gillian Flynn at Self.com