Fashion Magazine

OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!
So it is that time of the month again yes that's right OMCZ time!!!
The theme for this month is......

If you own a crop top go ahead show us how you wear it, if like me you don't , Then make one or fashion one out of something else. Be creative. 

Now I have to confess I am cheating a bit with this one as I have been short on time so I am going to re-use some older blog photos from last year that feature some crop top shots!!
OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!
OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!
OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!
This was a basic boyfriend crop top from Primark last year which I loved throughout the Summer! At the moment I am struggling with my body confidence but I am hoping I can get back into the right frame of mind to wear this top again this year!
Don't forget to check out the other ladies also taking part!
Steph Brown www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.comLeah www.awheelbarrowfullofstyle.comGillian www.marysbigcloset.comHollie Http://www.prettybigbutterflies.comBecca 

OMCZ #3 Crop Tops!

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