It’s been too long since I last posted here and I apologize for that.
A private e-mail received this week from a long-time reader and subscriber has prompted me to make a more notable announcement of the fact that I now have a second blog, dedicated to my walking and hiking adventures.

This was something I was hesitating over the other month and hence, why these pages have been so… Stale? I do intend to keep blogging about woodwork, DIY, baking and the rest, here on Olly Writes. But right now, I haven’t had much of that going on (or, I’ve yet to finish many of the things already started).
Olly Outdoors
To further compliment Olly Outdoors, I have a second YouTube channel (please subscribe) and also a dedicated Facebook Page, which I’m using almost as a form of micro-blogging. I intend to do the same with my Olly Writes page.