Hair & Beauty Magazine

Olive Oil for Sun Tanning – How to Do & Tips to Remember

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

The amazing benefits of olive oil are known to all people. One of its wonderful benefits is giving you a good tan. It has moisturizing minerals that can penetrate deep into your skin, making your skin smooth and soft. The luster of this oil attracts the sun rays and helps in providing you a beautiful tan.

Olive Oil for Sun Tanning

How to Use Olive Oil to Get Hot Tanned Skin:

You get different types of olive oil in the market. For getting g a good tan, you need extra virgin olive oil. Make sure that you take a large bottle of this oil and a timer before settle down.

  1. Place a large-sized towel on the tanning bed or chair and set your timer to 30 minutes.
  2. Once you know how your skin reacts to the olive oil you have applied, you can adjust the time you need for tanning.
  3. To apply the oil, you have to take it on a small piece of cloth or towel and then rub it all over the front of your body. Remember to apply it on the face also.
  4. Lay on your back as soon as you start the timer. Try to relax and close your eyes.
  5. After 30 minutes, you have to rub the cloth with olive oil all over your back. You may wipe off the oil on your face if you wish so.
  6. Again set the timer to 30 minutes and lay face down.
  7. After you tanning session, you have to wash off the olive oil from your body with soap and water.

You will see that you have got a good tan. Half an hour is all you need because this oil takes shorter time for tanning your skin compared to the time taken by other tanning lotions.

Tanning Tips to Remember for your Safety:

Before you try using olive oil for getting a tan, you should keep in mind the following tips. These tips will help you the get the best results.

Learn how to apply it:

Apply olive oil on your body by using a small cloth or rowel. Soak it into the oil well and then massage your body evenly with the cloth. Make sure that you skin is dry before you apply it on your body. You can be generous while applying the olive oil on your body. But it should not be so much that it starts dripping from your body.

Shorter tanning process:

Olive oil, as you know, is very beneficial for your health as well as your skin. It helps in making your skin soft and silky smooth naturally. The luster of this oil is what attracts the heat of the sun. Other tanning products cannot offer you this benefit. By applying olive oil, you get a tan that is browner and deeper. It also takes shorter time to make your skin tanned.

There are different types of olive oil:

Before you start using olive oil for getting tan, it is important that you know about the different types of olive available in the market. You need pure olive oil for the purpose of tanning. Do not buy the processed types of olive oil as they may contain artificial ingredients that may not be suitable for your skin. Extra virgin oil is the purest form of olive oil and best suited for your skin.

Tanning time is important:

Using olive oil for tanning is a simple task and you can learn is easily. All that you have to do is to apply it evenly all over your body. Make sure that you set the time for 30 minutes. This is the time that you require to get the perfect tan. If required, you can always adjust the time.

After tanning tips:

Once you finish tanning the front of your body for 30 minutes, you can repeat the same procedure on your back. After your whole body is tanned, you have to wash off the oil completely from your body. You can use an ordinary soap to wash off the oil. But if like to have more luxury, you may have a fragrant bubble bath and relax your body. Use a loofah to wash off the oil in a gentle way. After the bath your skin will feel soft and smooth.

You need to be more careful:

While tanning your body, you should be aware of the fact that too much of exposure of your body to the sun can cause a lot of damage. It may lead to premature aging of the skin and even skin cancer. Your eyes may also be affected if your eyes are exposed to the sun for a long time. So, you have to be very careful when you are tanning. Try not to stay under direct sunlight for more than one hour on each side. Other than these dangerous effects, your skin may also get sunburnt as your skin absorbs the olive oil.

Using olive oil for getting a tan is much more beneficial than using sun tan lotions that you buy from the stores. It is also safer for your skin. Olive oil does not contain any chemicals or harmful artificial ingredients in it, which can harm your skin. Using olive oil helps in minimizing skin conditions and also heals skin infections if you have any.

To get beautiful bronze tan, olive oil is the best option. Try it instead of using other commercial products. Apply extra virgin olive oil on your skin and you will get a beautiful tan within a short time. You also get all the other benefits that olive oil has to offer to your skin. Not only does it give you a sun-kissed skin, but also makes your skin soft, smooth as well as glowing throughout the year.

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