Fashion Magazine

Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog

You may have noticed a resurgence and welcoming of old school and classic products. We're not talking just fashion, what was old is new again in many categories. We'd all love an escape to our childhoods when life was simpler, happier; and nothing says happy childhood like your favorite candies. We grew up enjoying classic candies like NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears, and are still loving these delicious sweet treats today.

Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears

Ferrara Candy Company, the parent company of some of everyone's favorite candies - NERDS, SweeTARTS and Black Forest Gummy Bears, welcomes several NEW products that recently hit store shelves. NERDS were a staple growing up. The creature shaped mini candies originally came in two flavors per box and were enjoyed by all ages from kindergarten to high school. This year expect to enjoy NERDS in three forms - Big Chewy, Sour Big Chewy, and the original tiny, tangy and crunchy form but in a rainbow of colors.

Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears
Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears

Fans of the original SweeTARTS (and those who love the combination of sweet and sour), will love the SweeTARTS Berries & Cherries, and SweeTARTS Ropes Bites. The fond memories of biting into the sweet and tangy goodness of SweeTARTS continues on with these two new varieties.

Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears
Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears
Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears

Last but most certainly not least, gummy bears; and these are no ordinary gummy bears. These are award-winning gummy bears. Say yum to Black Forest Classic and Organic Gummy Bears, made with real fruit juice! Many of the gummy bears' colors are derived from plant-based ingredients and the Classic Gummy Bears is the winner of the 2019 Product of the Year Award in the sugar confections category, based on a survey of 40,000 people. With its fruity flavor and soft, juicy texture, it's easy to see why it's an award-winning snack.

Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears
Oldies but Goodies: NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears

Why not bring a bit of your childhood into your present life with NERDS, SweeTARTS, and Black Forest Gummy Bears. We promise you'll enjoy them as much as you did when you were a child. What are your thoughts on the latest candy launches from Ferrara Candy Company? Do these classic candies get your sweet tooth going?

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