Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).
Wow. Not only are the policemen looking closer and closer to the age of my children, but they’ve gone and changed bloody Monopoly!
I realise this is old news, but since we only recently acquired the ‘Electronic’ version of this ancient family favourite, it’s taken me a while to truly catch up. Even the box gave me a double-take…since when did you need to buy BATTERIES to play a board game, eh?!
Where the buggery is the iron?
Why the hell do I need chip and pin to be ripped off by my own offspring?
What happened to that lovely pastel-coloured fake cash that my big brother used to stash underneath his side of the board, to be retrieved at the moment we all though he was broke?
And another thing…I know there has been some inflation since 1975, but apparently the reward for ‘passing GO’ has risen by some 1,000,000% in the intervening years.
Mind you, cor blimey guvnor and all that, some things don’t change. I still got fleeced when I landed on Mayfair.
Tell me about your memories. What’s changed since you were a kid? Is ‘new’ necessarily ‘better’?…… Join the Linky or leave a comment. Nostalgia come in all shapes and sizes, so make sure you capture yours.
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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.
A selection of other posts from this series:-
Week 2 – Old School Portrait
Week 4 – Bestest Friends
Week 5 – Teenage Crushes
Week 6 – First Movie Memories
Week 9 – Favourite Childhood Books
Week 19 – Becoming a Parent
Week 25 – Old Boyfriends
Week 39 – My home town