Hi everyone!
I seen a lot of bloggers and youtubers showing their subscribers their old personal Facebook photo's and explaining the stories behind them, so I thought I would do the same! Copy cat Holly...
The above picture is of (from left - right) My sister Katy, Dad, Mum, Me & My sister Mandy. Sarah Jane would have been included but she was taking the picture... plus who even likes her anyways? NOT ME... jokes. Kind of. LOL
We were heading to Sarah Jane's mum's 60th birthday on this night where we all went to dinner and had drinks and stuff after, it was an amazing night but the day was a disaster! we decided to decorate the place and got balloons filled with helium - queue four girls walking a mile with black bags full of balloons on a windy day - fail! Look how long my hair is!!
This picture was taken in Carlisle when we all managed to get tickets to go to Radio 1's big weekend! It was awesome and we got to see The Script, Bruno Mars, Olly Murs, Katy B, My Chemical Romance & Lady Gaga! It was during this concert that Gaga broke down during "Edge Of Glory" and it was an epic day!
What was NOT so epic was the fact that I opted to wear an orange bandeau Maxi Dress. I got there and the mud was in full force and had to put on a top I took with me "just in case" - Lucky Holly. Idiot. This picture was taken during the Fearne v Zane thing - Team Fearne!
I have no idea what I was so ecstatic about, but I can only assume it was a Pitbull song! haha! This was a night out in November 2013 and I was trying to grow my fringe out. Still to this day that fringe haunts me...
Here is the angel and the angel of death! haha! This is me with my friend Aimee and for some reason I thought I could pull off black hair... AND ANOTHER FRINGE! Whatever happens, do NOT let me cut in another fringe!
We were having a girly night out on this night and for some reason we were all given free Condoms! Great...
I was in 'Nice' in the South Of France when this picture was taken and I was seeeriously sunburnt despite wearing looooads of SPF! Anyways, look how long my hair is!! I need to grow it again...
Also, check out the horrible clutch bag... LOL
That's some of my old facebook photo's explained! I would LOVE to see your old facebook pictures so leave me links in the comments below!
All My Love..
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