Since starting GBF, streams of firsts have emerged into my fashion schema. My first NYFW show, my first Milan Fashion Week show, my first fashion video shoot, my first brand collaboration, my first guest post for Saks Fifth Avenue, my first style feature in Lucky Magazine...I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for the inconceivable opportunities that have blossomed as a result of writing about my passion for fashion. After all, I'm just a lawyer obsessed with pretty and sparkly things.
Today, I'm proud to add another first to the list. My first beauty ambassadorship! I am officially the Los Angeles beauty ambassador for Wet N Wild Beauty. Fabulous events, collaborations, and giveaways are on the way and I can't wait to share them with you. The twist to this first? My very first makeup purchase was a WNW nude lipstick in sixth grade. Old becomes new becomes wild beyond my imagination firsts.

{GBF x Wet N Wild Beauty Giveaway}
To enter:
1. Subscribe to my blog via Google Subscriber or Bloglovin'
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3. BONUS ENTRY: Tweet Follow and RT I want to win the @goodbadandfab x @WetnWildBeauty gift bag giveaway! #beautyambassador
4. Giveaway ends Friday March 15, 2013 11:59 PST
{live fabulously}