I love, love, love high fashion editorials. The strangeness of everything. The frivolity of it all. So this just totally tickles me. Courage nga di ba?
This is the work of Yolanda Dominguez. What Poses is all about, from her:
“Poses” is a direct criticism of the absurd and artificial world of glamour and of fashion that magazines present. Specifically, the highly-distorted image of women that they transmit through models that do not represent real women and that avoid all those who are not within their restricted parameters.
These images are virtually the only feminine reference in the mass media and they have a great influence in both men and women when building our roles in terms of behavior and ways of thinking. Using these impossible stances of the fashion publishing houses as a symbol of how grotesque and unreal this industry is, a group of real women transfer these poses to daily scenes: the queue of a museum, the supermarket or the bus stop, sparking off the reaction of the spectators (on the other hand, regular consumers of these images).
Now that begins a conversation on what we consider to be everyday beautiful. It also makes me think about my intense desire to only appear in the real world in profile. Feeling ko lang I will always be beautiful, kung ganon. And in turn, my life will be perfect.
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