Family Magazine


By Ofanselm @ofanselm
It's been almost a month since I posted anything. The bones of our family structure are slowly fusing together to form a more permanent, less impressionable foundation. Every day Victoria shows less apprehension and more easiness around her oh-so energetic big sister. Every morning Israel bounces out of his room fully expecting to see "Tokya" in her seat. She's still so new to us, but every so often I'm struck hard by the thought that she doesn't think she's so new. As far as she's concerned, the Anselmos were invented when she was born. She doesn't remember a time that I wasn't looking down at her while she ate. She doesn't remember ever having been free from the irritation of daddy's prickly mustache, and the warmth of his chest under her fat cheeks is very familiar now.

I've been aching to pick up my camera this month, but the only one that seems to make its way into my hand is the one on Peter's phone. If you'd like to see them as I take them, you can follow me on Instagram (my username is naomianselmo). But there are good things like DSLRs, and there are amazing things like blonde curls, toy trucks, and baby belly buttons. Right now, I'm opting for the amazing.

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