Fashion Magazine

Official Branding Launch

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Official Branding LaunchI have been busy  working on the launch of my new
 Artisan Fashion Accessory Collection!
A collection of dramatic pieces that will"help celebrate the good daysandbe armor on the hard days!
It has always been my mission to design  accessory pieces that bring joy and confidence to the wearer!
Official Branding Launch
After years in the making I'm so happy tp share the shop launch is just weeks away!So I thought today would be a great time to share my fabulous 
New Branding!Official Branding LaunchI am working with a wonderful  graphic designerwho brings fresh ideas and loads of talent to my upcoming launch!
There is something about excellent brandingthat feels so invigorating!Especially as an artist!Official Branding LaunchMy logo just makes me so happy every time I see it!
If you are in the market I can't recommend Megan fromStudio Beardsleyhighly enough!
I am in awe how she was able to capture the tone and vision I have for my  collection of luxury accessories!
And if you think the last name sounds familiarMegan is my dear daughter in law and wonderful mother to our grandchildren!Not only is she a creative talentshe has years of experience in social media!
Official Branding Launch
Thank you so much for stopping byand sharing in my excitement for my up coming Accessory Collection Launch!Stay tuned here for lots of exciting things to come!
Official Branding Launch

As always my friends

I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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