An office look that provides quick access to my boobs.

Did you know newborns eat around the clock? I didn't and was in for a rude awakening when the hospital nurse told me I needed to nurse every 2-3 hours. As baby latched on, I bid adieu to my old life and braced myself for the new normal. My breasts were now objects of sustenance covered in shapeless utilitarian nursing bras devoid of style, lace, or underwire heavily padded with nursing pads to avoid leakage. Sexy.
Dressing for work and trying to look professional is a bit tricky when I need to keep myself covered while accessing my goods every three hours. I could just give up altogether and exclusively wear cotton tanks and my old Juicy Couture fleece zip-ups all day everyday but that's just sad. So I opt for button-up tops that can easily flap open like my C/MEO silk top from Shopaholics Sample Sale, a local LA boutique with locations in Beverly Grove, Larchmont, and Montana Ave that carries high-end designers and styles at a fraction of retail prices. It's sample sale-ing with a personalized boutique experience.
I paired the top with my vegan LAmade leather jacket, another steal from Shopaholics and added some color with my bright green pleated skirt. The outfit is breastfeeding friendly AND I can actually wear it outside the baby nursery! Definitely a keeper.
{shop my favs from C/MEO}