Fashion Magazine

Office Style | Body Conscious

By Goodbadandfab @goodbadandfab
Office Style | Body Conscious Sharing my wear-to-work dress oozing with bodycon undertones. 
Office Style | Body Conscious Office Style | Body Conscious Office Style | Body Conscious Office Style | Body Conscious Office Style | Body Conscious Bailey44 dress (similar on sale) | Gucci purse | Coach scarf
Five months postpartum and I'm still learning how to be a working Mom as everyday is a juggling act between being an attentive and present parent and being a responsible and productive lawyer. That means I'm definitely shelving and relegating blogging duties to moments when I'm not working and when baby is not awake which is (surprise surprise!) sporadic and essentially nonexistent. And to be quite honest, I just don't enjoy the exercise in vanity anymore as my life no longer revolves around "look at me!" photo opps. When I have free time, I'd rather be smothering the baby in kisses than smothering my phone with endless selfies.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still very passionate about clothes, makeup, skincare, and all the fabulous things that take the ordinary into the extraordinary like this Bailey44 easy to pull off, easy to wear dress. It's essentially bodycon attire subtlety disguised as a work apropos dress. I love the stretch and the body conscious gathered waist perfect for someone like me who's still a little conscious about my postpartum stomach but is a little too fed up with wearing billowy potato sacks all the time. I'm flagging this dress under the "no-brainer-need-in-closet" section  
{shop Bailey44 dresses}

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