Books Reviewed in October:
I didn't review ANY books in October. Gasp. I did finally get around to writing my review for The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower #1) last Thursday, so you can check out.
Books Read in October:
I finished The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. I'll have my review of that up soon.
Books to read in November:
I'm currently reading Mind Hunter by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker which so far is AWESOME. It's definitely outside of my normal read being non-fiction, but the storytelling is really good.
I want to pick up an indie after this. It's been a while since I've read anything self-published or put out by a small press. So, I'm on the lookout for a good one.
Book #2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles is nearly ready for beta readers, but I've taken a break from it to poke at some other WIP's. I'm nearly done with the first draft of a fantasy novel I've been working on which will be Upper YA/NA and involve an entirely new world with castles and magic and all those classic fantasy elements -- with my own twist on them of course. I'm currently at 70,000 words and it will probably be about 80+ so I'm close to the end.
I've been a little behind blogging. Focusing on the Unearthed Blog Tour last month kept me busy. I do have some fun ideas for some new posts. I've also been spending a lot of time of Pinterest and been doing more with group boards. You can follow me on Pinterest here, and if you're interested in joining one of my group boards, just message me!
My Favorite Blog Posts in September:
Favorite Post Written: Taking Cliche Vampire Themes and Making Them Your Own: After writing a vampire novel this was a fun post as I was able to talk about some of the stereotypes I tweaked in Unearthed.
Favorite Post Read: 10 Annoying Questions Bookworms get asked that just Make No Sense on Paper Fury. In general, I love this blog for posting things that are just different and fun, and this post was just that.
I spend the first week of October in Rome for my Honeymoon and had an amazing time. Since getting back my husband and I have been back to working on building our new garage, which is nearly done, and I've been planning for a few weddings that are coming up soon.