This month has passed by in a blur despite doing nothing significant. We moved into our London flat on the first of the month. I’ve spent at least two days a week in university and a lot more time at home completing reading or general tasks for each week. I’ve seen Ed Sheeran in Birmingham and Lady Antebellum at the awesome Brooklyn Bowl inside the London 02. NFL at the Wembley Stadium where the Detroit Lions won in the last four seconds! I have been home to the New Forest and my parents have been up to see our new flat. Every weekend seems to have been filled with something but I feel like I have done nothing exciting or new. I have barely traveled in a effort to settle in to university and to save money because until this week I had not been working at all. I also attended my first London travel blogging event last night at the Double Tree hotel with Three and had a fantastic time. Was so much fun finally meeting lots of bloggers I have only been speaking to on Twitter! Although the month has passed by in a boring blur the blog has been full of new and exciting content.
What I’ve Been Blogging About
Amsterdam: On a Budget, 25 Photos of the City in Autumn and Staying at the Park Inn by Radisson
Vlogs: Video Diary of Student and London life 1, 2, 3 & 4
Scotland: 7 Reasons to Visit, Highland Cottage Review, Video of Road tripping this Summer
Life: Officially a Londoner and Because of Travel I Went to Uni
Wanderlust: 5 Places I Want to Visit this Winter
London: Why NFL in London is Awesome
I have to say I honestly struggled with thinking of my highlight this month. It really has been a scrimp and save month with very little going on. Seeing Ed Sheeran, Lady Antebellum and NFL were all great events. I loved the American style bar we saw Lady Antebellum in and how small the audience was. I loved taking a road trip to Birmingham and finally seeing Ed Sheeran perform his new album. I loved sitting right up top in Wembley and seeing all the over the top shenanigans that is the NFL international series. It has been nice slowly introducing myself back to London and life in this crazy but lovable city but that is the thing it has just been nice. Not amazing, not fantastic just plain old nice. Luckily for me in two weeks time I will be heading of to Brussels for an exciting weekend of fun and travel.
Low Light
This month has unfortunately been more stress, last month it was if we’d find a flat, if I’d pass the test and be accepted to uni, this month it was if I’ll find work before my money runs out and if I was keeping on top of all the uni work. It took until Monday the 26th of October until I actually got my first job with the nanny agency I joined. I had £50 left in my bank account. Needless to say I was stressing a lot. I have tried to keep myself as on top of all the work I’m being given by uni still I can’t help but worry I’m going to miss something important or just get it completely wrong. I also hate the fact the clocks have gone back, it is dark by 6 pm and despite the warm temperatures I know winter is coming.
Snapshots of October

This was one of the images I snapped of Richmond Park for a photo essay I’m putting together. I ended up chatting to a guy about photography and missed the best opportunities but this image captured the park brilliantly that afternoon.
Blog’s I’ve Loved this Month
Back to Reality – A Life in London – Roo Around the World – Roo posted this around the same time I came back to London for uni. Although our reasons were very different for being in London. I could really relate to her post.
Vancouver to San Francisco via Instgram – Kirst Over The World – Kirsten traveled to some awesome places in the USA/Canada including some of my favourites like Big Sur and San Fran. These pictures just bought huge amounts of wanderlust for America.
How to Create an Awesome Media Kit – Girl Tweets World – With WTM coming up this blog was super helpful and I’m sure it will be to fellow bloggers who are also overwhelmed by the media kit making process.
First Timer’s Guide to WTM – Love and London – This post by Jess has been super helpful to me as I’m planning for WTM next week, if it is your first time too then be sure to check her tips out.
BB Bakery Bus Tour - This Battered Suitcase – I am on a mission to find things to improve my life in London, experiences unique to London and this is certainly top of the list after reading about Brenna’s experience.
This list could go on and on, I have read so many good blogs this month and found so many new ones to read too. There are some perks to a boring month.
Books I’ve Read this Month

The Silver Sword is set in world war two and sees a family of three children along side their new friend traveling across from Poland to Switzerland. They encounter problem after problem and you begin to think these four are the unluckiest ever. However after every problem comes luck and hope and a drive to carry on the long journey from Poland. I started reading this book a few days after I visited the Anne Frank Huis so already had world war two on my mind but I don’t think this was the only reason for loving this novel so much. The writer did a lot of research before writing the book and I think that shows through the vivid descriptions he creates. It is a short but gripping read and if you have any interest in world war two I would recommend reading it.
Next Month
Well as I mentioned above I will be heading off to Brussels for the second weekend of the month. This trip is my second part for the #parkinnexpress hashtag and I cannot wait to take part in another treasure hunt. This month I will also be attending WTM in London and my first travel massive which I’m pretty excited for. I will hopefully be working some more and doing a good job of keeping up with my university work. However before anything else I will be spending the weekend at home in the New Forest with my parents. It is always lovely to be able to catch up with friends and family and take time to appreciate the lovely New Forest.
Tags: Monthly Statistics United Kingdom