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O'verlays is Live!

By Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
O'VERLAYS IS LIVE! (oops! sorry. I really am tired if I forgot to link the new site! here it is..) O'VERLAYS
And I feel ready to drop!  We are so excited and so exhausted at the same time. Thanks for all the kind words and your patience. I know you were probablly starting to think I was full of it. It took a bit longer than we anticipated, and in the 11th hour (this past Friday) we realized that if we wanted the site to look like how we wanted we were going to have to take over designing it ourselves. yikes.
  Despite the fact that I  lost our storefront 3 times in an overtired fog of hitting wrong buttons, we did it and launched. I give all you web designers out there massive kudoos. My back hurts from hunching over a screen and I have had daily migraines from staring at a screen, and don't get me started about code. The only down side is we can't do coupon codes or bulk price breaks at this time, but hopefully in the near future. Instead we marked the store down for you.  The site incorporates Adobe Flash, so we apologize to all the iPhones in advance- that was the trade off with the template we chose-  but it looks pretty*.
And as promised we have a winner of the $50 credit.... O'VERLAYS IS LIVE!
O'VERLAYS IS LIVE! Thank you for all your comments! We really hope you enjoy our product and would love to hear your feeback. In the meantime here is a brief overview of what we are offering:
- we have 4 sizes and patterns currently-more in production. -we are made locally so we can do custom rather quickly 7-10 days to ship from design approval, just contact us with the size you are interested in and we will send you a quote. -the product is paintable, just use a paint or primer made for plastic (we like Krylon & Rustoleum's spraypaints) -we include adhesive tabs that we recommend for smooth, clean surfaces like glass or mirror, on painted or slightly textured surfaces we recommend using a few tabs to hold it in place and to secure it with a couple small brad nails in the corner. You can also use your own adhesive.
-we will ship internationally- just contact us, we are working out the pricing still, but it can be done! I know there is more, but my brain is drained... I will be back now on a regular basis. Thanks for understanding my lack of posts lately, hopefully it was all worth it! Now I just need a good nap.
Let me know what you think, and thanks again!

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