Legal Magazine

NTSB- Crash Avoidance Technology Should Be Standard in All New Vehicles

Posted on the 15 June 2015 by Caglelawfirm @ZCagle

NTSB Calls for Immediate Action

20130828_093123The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended that auto manufacturers make collision avoidance systems standard equipment in newly manufactured vehicles. They suggest manufacturers begin with collision warning systems and adding autonomous emergency braking once NHTSA completes standards for such braking systems. In a press release this month, the NTSB stated this slow adoption progress has created a major safety issue.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end collisions kill about 1,700 people every year and injure half a million more. More than 80 percent of these deaths and injuries might have been mitigated had the vehicles been equipped with a collision avoidance system.

The NTSB has made 12 recommendations over 20 years in favor of forward collision avoidance technologies, including 10 recommendations resulting from an earlier Special Investigative Report in 2001.  The progress on these recommendations by manufacturers has been limited and the NTSB notes that a lack of incentives and limited public awareness has slowed the wide adoption of collision avoidance technologies.

Only 4 out of 684 passenger vehicle models in 2014 included a complete forward collision avoidance system as a standard feature noting that when these options are offered, they are often bundled with other non-safety features which make the overall package more expensive.

“The promise of a next generation of safety improvements has been used to justify the inaction, ” said Chairman Christopher A. Hart. “Because there will always be better technologies over the horizon, we must be careful to avoid letting perfection become the enemy of the good”.

“You don’t pay extra for your seatbelt and you shouldn’t have to pay extra for technology that can help prevent a collision altogether”, said Hart.

What the Collision Avoidance System Does?

The collision avoidance system would warn drivers if they may be involved in a potential collision, begin braking for the driver if there is no response and if necessary bring the car to an immediate stop.  All of these actions could occur without input from the driver.

The NTSB estimates that vehicles equipped with automatic collision avoidance technology could prevent 80% of deaths and injuries caused by rear-end collisions. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car crash.

What if You Are in a Rear-End Collision?

If you are in a motor vehicle crash of any type, you will want to immediate notify the authorities and seek medical assistance. From a safety standpoint, you will want a police report and first responders.  From the standpoint of making a claim later, the police report and medical care will be important in documenting the crash and the injuries.

Even if the crash seems minor, you should always have a police report done.  Often, individuals involved in motor vehicle crash may not experience extreme symptoms until several hours or even a day later.  If you discover that you are more hurt than you initially thought right after the crash when the adrenaline may have masked your injury, then you do not want to have your claim denied because you did not make a police report.

After you have called the authorities and have sought medical treatment, you should contact an experienced car accident attorney BEFORE you make statements to any insurance company. I have written many articles on the thing to NOT do after a car collision and failing to seek legal advice is one of the number one mistakes.

Call our attorneys seven days a week for a free consultation 1-800-685-3302 or locally 314-276-1681

Summary Article Name Collision Avoidance Systems Should be Standard in New Cars–NTSB Author Zane Cagle Description In a recent press release, the NTSB stated automakers should be including collision avoidance systems as standard equipment in all new cars.

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