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Now That’s a Rich B*tch! Insane Photos of DOGS Living LARGE!

By Hausofpaws @hausofpaws

Does your dog ever dream of sleeping on a bed of greenbacks? Flying on his own private jet seated next to the window? Taking equestrian lessons in full gear? Or having her own Chanel handbag and sunglasses to bask in? As over the top as it may sound, photos of some of the most privileged pooches drenched in the most over-the-top poses has recently surfaced on the internet illustrating that life as a dog is truly good!

Based on the extravagant photos posted by The Rich Kids of Instagram, Kaylin Pound from Elitedaily has recently compiled a series of images on Instagram that has taken the Pet World to a new level of super luxe! After her realization between the "monetary gap" of the haves and the have nots, Kaylin got to thinking about the "relationship between money and happiness" which prompted her to put together this most hilarious canine compilation featuring 50 images with a lots of canine humor.

We all may have ideas and perceptions of how the other 1% of the rich live, but in this photo collection of pampered pooches, we get a tongue and cheek glimpse into the other canine 1% who may as well be oblivious to their lap of luxury. Because when it comes down to it, despite all the designer clothes, expensive cars, mansion pools and fancy plane rides at the end of the day all they really want is to be us.



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