We are a fallen creation. For as long as humans first walked this Earth, we’ve had evil. The difference is that nowadays, evil no longer hides in the shadows but has become in-your-face emboldened.
When Barack Hussein Obama was elected and inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America, something in the spirit world stirred. A portal to the yawning abyss was opened, from which an unending swarm of demonic powers and principalities is released.

How else are we to understand the proliferation of “knockout games” — of random assaults on pedestrians in urban streets, not to rob, but for fun? Like the two black teens who beat TO DEATH an 88-year-old WWII veteran?
How else are we to understand the epidemic of random black-on-white assaults — not just street “knockout games” but indoors? Like the young black male who punched a white Safeway grocery store manager to the ground for no reason? And in our homes, like the black home invader who violently assaulted a young mother in her home?
How else are we to understand the rise of Black flash robs and violent flash mobs (here, here, here, here) infesting and terrorizing our cities like swarms of locusts?
How else are we to understand the open calls for a genocide of whites — for the killing of all white people by the New Black Panthers, by the celebrated Nelson Mandela, and by an employee of the Department of Homeland Security – without the media batting an eye, much less any accountability?

How else are we to understand our topsy-turvey pop culture where evil is good, and good is evil? Where pop “stars” like Beyonce and Lady Gaga regularly and unabashedly flash the Illuminati one-eye sign, and young women barely out of their teens simulate masturbation and doggy-style intercourse (twerking) and speak of butt plugs on network TV?
How else are we to understand “feminists” not only referring to the unborn as “tumors” and an Episcopal priest (!) calling abortion “a blessing,” but publicly saying Mary should have aborted Jesus?
How else are we to understand, in an America whose population are still predominantly Christian, the removal of the cross and the Ten Commandments from public places, while Satanists vow to erect a monument to their demon?
How else are we to understand a well-known Hollywood director Nick Cassavetes saying he sees nothing wrong with incest, while elite universities like Harvard and Yale sponsor incest dance-fests and incest-bestiality workshops?

How else are we to understand this latest grotesque depravity — DOG RAPE?
You read correctly: Dog Rape, as in men raping dogs.
Kelsey Duckett reports for the San Pedro Beacon that on Nov. 14, 2013 in San Pedro, California, 22-year-old Christopher Alexander Caceres was arrested on a felony residential burglary charge and charges of sexual deviance, bestiality and rape of a dog.
According to neighbors and victims, Caceres had moved with his parents into his grandmother’s house, located on the 1600 block of W. O’ Farrell Street. In the time since Caceres moved into the neighborhood more than a month ago, several homes have been burglarized, and at least one dog in the neighborhood was sexually assaulted on more than one occasion.
The San Pedro Beacon received exclusive surveillance video from the dog’s owner, of Caceres climbing over a backyard wall into a property on the 1900 block of Summerland Avenue at approximately 2:22 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10.
The suspect was in the backyard until 4:40 a.m., during which time the video shows Caceres raping and sexually assaulting for over two hours the property owner’s beloved dog, an 80 lb. female Akita, who tried to get away from the rapist.

The owner of the dog, who wishes to remain anonymous, said they had installed surveillance cameras on their property after suspecting that someone had been entering their backyard for a month: “We had found a [cigarette] lighter on the property, and on two occasions our dog had yelped. We called the police, who came to the property twice.” Early Sunday morning on Nov. 10, “I woke up because I heard something outside. Our dog greeted me and something seemed off. I didn’t know what had happened, but I saw clumps of our dog’s hair throughout the yard. I immediately went to the surveillance cameras, and I was absolutely disgusted with what I saw.”
(Warning: graphic description below)
The surveillance video showed Caceres, with short dark hair and wearing glasses, giving treats to the dog, and the dog wagging her tail, jumping up to grab treats. Then, Caceres emerges from a darkened portion of the backyard without his pants on. He pins the poor dog to the ground and performs multiple sexual acts on the dog while the canine struggles to break free of his grasp.
After a police report was filed and a copy of the surveillance footage was handed over, the family took their dog to the vet, where a rape kit was performed. The vet said “this had happened before” and advised the owner to board the dog until an arrest was made.
Four days later, the family received a call from Los Angeles Detective Katsumata that Caceres had been arrested after undercover officers caught him burglarizing a home on O’ Farrell Street, a block from the dog owner’s home.
In a follow-up, the San Pedro Beacon, reports that on Nov. 18, 2013, the 6-foot-2 and 160 pounds Caceres pleaded not guilty in a Long Beach courtroom to two felony charges and one misdemeanor charge brought forth by the District Attorney’s Office.
Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Paul Guthrie provided more details: Caceres is charged with the worst of offenses against an animal — felony animal cruelty — for unlawfully torturing, tormenting, and subjecting the dog to bestiality. Caceres was also charged with a misdemeanor count of sexual assault on an animal. The complaint states that Caceres “unlawfully and willfully had intercourse with a dog.”
Guthrie,who prosecutes animal cruelty cases in Long Beach, said he has never seen a case like this: “This type of case is rather uncommon. The surveillance video is extremely graphic, and unlike anything I have ever seen in my seven years.”
If convicted, Caceres could face up to nine years behind bars, six in prison on the burglary charge alone.
Lest you think bestiality is a Californian depravity, on the opposite coast in North Carolina, a 25-year-old man was arrested for raping his family dog in front of a minor child.

David Lee Carter
Raleigh, North Carolina’s WTVD ABC11 reports that on November 21, 2013, David Lee Carter of Benson, NC, was arrested on several counts of crimes against nature — for having sex with his dog — along with indecent liberties with (committing bestiality before) a child.
Search warrants say Carter “willfully and feloniously did commit the abominable and detestable crime against nature with a male canine, family pet named ‘Drake’, (one and half year old Boxer.)”

Sadly and incredibly, bestiality is not outlawed in every of America’s 50 states. It is not illegal in Alabama, Connecticut, Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming and the District of Columbia.
H/t Daily Mail, The Free Patriot, Examiner.com, and FOTM’s joworth.