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November Playlist

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
November playlistHappy November! Utah received a perfectly mild Halloween--a burning wood fire was unnecessary but oh so cozy. And just like clockwork, November 1st was blustery and yesterday it snowed on the mountains. Oh boy, here we go. 
For this month's playlist, Kev cooked us up a fun mix called Old Soul, which is songs you might listen to with your fam on the way to Grandma's house. You know, altogether scrunched up, good old-fashioned roadtripping. I suppose nowadays each kid probably has their own mp3 player and headphones, but back in the day it was all about compromise, which for the Watson family consisted of oldies and classic rock. And if my mom won, classical. Listen to the playlist after the jump or click to access it from Spotify here.November playlistNovember playlistPhotography by Chaunte Vaughn
November playlistNovember playlist

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