Politics Magazine

November Dreaming

Posted on the 26 July 2020 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

I recently took part in a non-partisan postcard-writing effort sponsored by Moms Rising.The idea is simple enough: encourage people to get out and vote.Such is the state of our country that some people see this as a liberal agenda.  An anti-patriotic act.  Who would object to people voting(apart from the Republican Party, that is)?Apparently we’re now simply supposed to accept what the present administration hands down, including its desire to retain power legally or illegally.Those who suggest that people should be given their constitutional voices are considered radicals.This would be ironic were it not so dangerous.The only reason the powers that be are in office is because of an election, and one that was “won” by that gaming of the system known as the electoral college.Now that Covid-19 is ravaging our country, those who refuse to do anything about it want to strengthen their grip.And their followers blindly say “Amen.”

November Dreaming

Postcard writing does not involve telling the potential electorate whom to choose.The message we’re instructed to write is simply encouraging others to vote.Gerrymandering and making people stand in Covid-laced long lines have been “tactics” used by current supporters of the modern-day plague to keep their hold on power.When trying to get people to vote is considered an act of sedition we need to stop and think what democracy has become.If you don’t believe everyone should vote then you have no right to object—your voice is your vote.I stand with Moms Rising to test the room.Let’s see if what’s happening here is really the will of the people.And I don’t mean that house of lower education, the so-called electoral college.

If you’re inclined to help with the effort, all it costs is a little time.Check out Moms Rising’s website.They’ll send you a packet of postcards for free with a postage-paid envelope to mail them back.All you need to do is write a sentence or two in the blank space on the back, put the cards in the envelope, and drop it in a mailbox.It costs so little and so much is at stake.Time is a commodity, I know.Given that our time is running out, however, it seems that sparing a bit of it to keep democracy breathing is important.No— vital.My regular readers know how I often express my wish/need for just a little more time to accomplish what I’d like to squeeze into a day.I’ll gladly sacrifice ten minutes for the good of the country I call home.

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