



  • Sects and Violence in the Ancient World

    A blog that tries to find intelligent things to say about religion and related subjects.


  • Yucca


    Flats isn’t the kind of place you’d like to vacation. Not only is it highly irradiated by nuclear testing, it’s also a place where police shoot at innocent... Read more

    Posted on 25 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Not Content


    I write books. When I want to “create content” I do it on this blog. (And a few other internet sites.) These aren’t the same thing. Read more

    Posted on 24 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Singing Darkly

    Singing Darkly

    Euro-horror has become one of the more profound sub-genres of film. I can’t recall who it was that recommended A Dark Song—set in Wales although filmed in... Read more

    Posted on 23 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Tech Trust

    Tech Trust

    Tech problems are a part of life, of course.  The recent problem at CrowdStrike that grounded airlines and prevented 911 from working and interfered with medica... Read more

    Posted on 22 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Second Peak

    Second Peak

    It all started with The X-Files. You see, we hadn’t watched television since about 1988. Part of that was practical—we couldn’t afford cable and then when we... Read more

    Posted on 21 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • A Touch of Poe


    One of the more somber aspects of our staycation in the Poconos occurred on our search for Tanners Falls.  It brought to mind a story by Edgar Allan Poe.  Here’... Read more

    Posted on 20 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Summerween


    Okay, so why didn’t anybody tell me?  Well, I suppose it’s because few people know me.  But still, I had to find out about Summerween from the New York Times.... Read more

    Posted on 19 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Fire Walking

    Fire Walking

    Telinema is a strange place. (This is my word for television and cinema, since apparently no such term exists.) My wife and I have been making our way through... Read more

    Posted on 18 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Small Things Grow

    Small Things Grow

    I’ve always been fascinated with origins. I guess I’m a kid who never grew up. Now that I’ve turned my attention to movies, I sometimes wonder about the origin... Read more

    Posted on 17 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Spirit Storm

    Spirit Storm

    Some time ago, we experienced quite a windstorm.  More than wind, there was a dump of rain, thunder, hail, and all that.  My wife and I were attending a... Read more

    Posted on 16 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Powerful Belief

    Powerful Belief

    Even someone who’s spent a lifetime studying religion can’t know every single sect. People are far too creative in that regard, and some belief groups are fairl... Read more

    Posted on 15 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Fun Homework


    I recently discussed the two Kolchak movies: The Night Stalker and The Night Strangler. In those posts I noted that I’d not grown up with Kolchak. My reason... Read more

    Posted on 14 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Carnival Days

    Carnival Days

    Carnival of Souls has been receiving renewed attention of late, so I decided to watch it again to see if I’d missed something the first time. Indeed, I had. Read more

    Posted on 13 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • A Kind of Shine

    Kind Shine

    Sometimes you just can’t not comment.  A few weeks after Donald Sutherland—known by some of us for his horror roles—passed away, Shelley Duvall has died.  It... Read more

    Posted on 12 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Doing Without

    Doing Without

    I’m a creature of habit.  Although I’m no internet junkie (I still read books made of paper), I’ve come to rely on it for how I start my day.  I get up early an... Read more

    Posted on 11 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Book Or Movie?

    Book Movie?

    I’ve read a few of Paul Tremblay’s novels. He’s a horror writer with literary style—often a tough sell (at least in my experience.) Horror Movie is a... Read more

    Posted on 10 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Hungry for Choice

    Hungry Choice

    I was recently asked to speak to a senior seminar about Holy Horror (many thanks for the invite!). One of the questions asked was how/why I chose the movies I... Read more

    Posted on 09 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Sudden Monoliths

    Sudden Monoliths

    Okay, so I’ve been captivated by the monoliths.  You know, the ones that even make the New York Times. These artistic pieces show up, unexpectedly, and... Read more

    Posted on 08 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Monster of Aging

    Monster Aging

    Movies with no likable characters, or none with any redeeming personality traits, are difficult to remain awake through. At least on sleepy weekend afternoons.... Read more

    Posted on 07 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY
  • Or Plastic


    I’m no fan of plastic.  When looking for a house a non-negotiable with me was vinyl siding—nope.  In our neighborhood several houses have plastic fences... Read more

    Posted on 06 July 2024 POLITICS, RELIGION, SOCIETY