The Mojave Water Agency’s next ABC’s of Water topic session will take place Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 5:30-7 p.m.
MWA Water Conservation and Public Information Manager Nicholas Schneider will speak on how residents may weatherize their homes.
“Climatologists are predicting a ‘Little Ice Age.’ Severe winter weather can lead to water leaks that can be costly,” according to the MWA’s announcement. “Find out about simple and economical ways to take the bite out of your winter water bill.”
Refreshments will be served, and seating is limited, so RSVP today.
To register to attend, please call Gloria Golike at 760-946-7001 or email her at [email protected]. Please register by Nov. 18.
The Mojave Water Agency is located at 13846 Conference Center Drive (near Central Road) in Apple Valley. Visit MWA online at