Family Magazine

Nourishing Little Tummies: Easy Cabbage Rice for Babies

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

Published: October 10, 2023 | Last Updated on: October 13, 2023 | by

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Cabbage Rice for Babies is an energy rich and easily filling recipe for tiny tummies. Adding cabbage to the food make it easy for the little ones to accepts veggies at an early age and also you could bring a variety into your daily baby food menus.

Jump To hide Health Benefits of Cabbage Rice for Babies Cabbage Rice for Babies Recipe Ingredients Method Frequently Asked Questions Can I introduce cabbage rice to my baby if they’re just starting solid foods? What age is suitable for introducing cabbage rice to my baby? Can cabbage rice cause gas or digestive issues in babies? Easy Cabbage Rice for Babies Ingredients Instructions Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !

As parents, we are constantly on the lookout for nutritious and wholesome foods that can fuel our little ones’ growth and development. When it comes to introducing solids into your baby’s diet, the options can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, one often-overlooked gem in the world of baby food is cabbage rice. Cabbage, often associated with hearty coleslaws and stews, may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about baby food. Yet, it’s a versatile and highly nutritious ingredient that can be a wonderful addition to your baby’s diet.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of cabbage rice and explore the benefits it offers to your baby’s developing palate and health. We’ll discuss its nutritional value, how to prepare it, and why it’s an excellent choice for your little one’s first foray into solid foods. Whether you’re an experienced parent looking to diversify your baby’s diet or a new parent embarking on the exciting journey of introducing solids, cabbage rice has something to offer. Let’s get started on this culinary adventure, discovering how cabbage rice can play a vital role in your baby’s healthy diet.

Nourishing Little Tummies: Easy Cabbage Rice for Babies
Nourishing Little Tummies: Easy Cabbage Rice for Babies

Health Benefits of Cabbage Rice for Babies

Cabbage Rice

Cabbage rice is a fantastic choice for introducing solid foods to your baby due to its numerous health benefits. Here are some of the key advantages of incorporating cabbage rice into your baby’s diet:

  1. Rich in Essential Nutrients: Cabbage is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s a good source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate. These nutrients are vital for your baby’s growth and overall development.
  2. Fiber for Digestive Health: Cabbage is high in fiber, which can help regulate your baby’s digestive system. It aids in preventing constipation and ensures a healthy gut, which is essential for the absorption of nutrients.
  3. Low in Calories and Fat: Cabbage rice is low in calories and fat, making it a healthy choice for your baby. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight while providing essential nutrients.
  4. Antioxidant Properties: Cabbage contains antioxidants that protect your baby’s body from harmful free radicals, which can contribute to various health issues. Antioxidants help strengthen the immune system and support overall health.
  5. Immune System Support: The vitamin C in cabbage boosts your baby’s immune system, helping to ward off infections and illnesses.
  6. Brain Development: Cabbage is a good source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which is crucial for brain development in infants.
  7. Iron Content: Cabbage rice can be a good source of iron, an essential mineral for preventing anemia and supporting your baby’s cognitive and physical development.
  8. Introduction to Textures: As a solid food, cabbage rice can introduce your baby to new textures, helping them develop their oral and chewing skills.
  9. Variety in Diet: Introducing diverse flavors and ingredients early in your baby’s solid food journey can help expand their palate and make them more receptive to various foods as they grow.
  10. Homemade and Fresh: Making cabbage rice at home allows you to control the quality and freshness of the ingredients. You can ensure that your baby’s food is free from additives and preservatives.

Remember that while cabbage rice offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to introduce it gradually into your baby’s diet and consult with a pediatrician for guidance, especially if your baby has any food allergies or specific dietary requirements. Starting with small, finely mashed or pureed portions and gradually increasing the texture and variety will help your baby adapt to this nutritious food.

Let’s see how to make this recipe at home.

Cabbage Rice for Babies Recipe

Cabbage rice


  • 1 tbsp Ghee
  • 1/4 cup purple cabbage
  • 1/4 cup Rice
  • 1/2 cup Coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup Grated apple
  • Water as per your requirement


  • Heat a pressure cooker with ghee add cabbage,and soaked rice mix them.
  • To this add coconut milk with required water and allow it to cook for 2-3 whistles under medium flame.
  • Let the pressure release naturally, open the lid to add grated apple and mix well.
  • Transfer into a mix jar and grind till you get a smooth paste consistency.
  • Serve the creamy cabbage rice puree while it’s still warm.

As we conclude this exploration of cabbage rice for babies, we encourage you to experiment with this nutritious dish in your own kitchen. Start with small portions, ensuring the texture is appropriate for your baby’s stage of development. Always consult with your pediatrician for personalized guidance, especially if you have concerns about allergies or specific dietary needs.

The road to nurturing a healthy, happy child is filled with exciting culinary adventures. Cabbage rice is just one stop on that journey, and there are countless other delicious and nutritious foods waiting to be discovered. So, let’s keep exploring, experimenting, and delighting in the joy of watching our babies grow strong and healthy.

Don’t forget to share your experiences and any creative cabbage rice recipes you come up with in the comments below. Your insights and ideas can inspire and support other parents on this incredible journey. Here’s to happy, healthy eating for you and your little one.

Are you eager to discover more baby food recipes and parenting tips? Subscribe to our YouTube to receive regular updates or follow us on social media for daily inspiration and guidance on raising a happy, healthy child. Your journey as a parent is our journey too, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Cabbage rice

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I introduce cabbage rice to my baby if they’re just starting solid foods?

Absolutely! Cabbage rice can be a great choice for babies starting solid foods. However, it’s important to ensure the cabbage is cooked until it’s very soft and finely mashed or pureed to avoid any choking hazards. Start with small portions and gradually increase the texture as your baby gets accustomed to it.

What age is suitable for introducing cabbage rice to my baby?

Around 6-8 months of age is a good time to introduce cabbage rice to your baby. Always consult with your pediatrician to determine the best timing based on your baby’s specific developmental needs and readiness for solid foods.

Can cabbage rice cause gas or digestive issues in babies?

Cabbage is known to produce gas in some individuals, but this can vary from person to person. To minimize the risk of digestive issues in babies, make sure the cabbage is well-cooked and introduce it gradually. Additionally, including other easily digestible foods in the meal can help.

Cabbage rice

Easy Cabbage Rice for Babies

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  • 1 tbsp Ghee
  • 1/4 Cup Purple cabbage
  • 1/4 Cup Rice
  • 1/2 Cup Coconut milk
  • 1/4 Cup Grated apple
  • as per your requirement Water


  • Heat a pressure cooker with ghee add cabbage,and soaked rice mix them.
  • To this add coconut milk with required water and allow it to cook for 2-3 whistles under medium flame.
  • Let the pressure release naturally, open the lid to add grated apple and mix well.
  • Transfer into a mix jar and grind till you get a smooth paste consistency.
  • Serve the creamy cabbage rice puree while it's still warm.

Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !

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