Fashion Magazine

Not Young Or Thin Or Rich ...

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Not young or thin or rich ... In the realm of so many beautiful blogs ...with clever names ...I have often wondered about changing the name of mine ...and if I did would be ....
Not Young or Rich or Thin- but still able to live a beautiful Life
Not young or thin or rich ...With a week of coming across some great articles on positive aging and here .
andhearing the heart breaking  news of the passing of a childhood neighbor and friend after an agonizing battle with ovarian cancer ...
Not young or thin or rich ... I realize I want to put more energy into celebrating the life I havetoday.After a lifetime of body issues and eating disordersnow at 54 ...I  am in such a better place of self acceptance ...
my thighs will never be thin ...
I will never again be young ...
I have realized years ago ...I  did not want to dedicate my life to the accumulation of   wealth being rich is out...
Not young or thin or rich ...So you see ...
I am fine with not being youngthin orrich.
Not young or thin or rich ... Because I am realizing the very rich gifts of aging
and the freedom that comes with self acceptance..

the giving of value to ones inner voice...the letting go of putting the value of others opinions over one's own.

I remember how painful high school was afraid I was of what people would think of an almost paralyzing fear of walking by the 'cool kids'in my case it was the surfers...(I can still see Michelle Phiffer in the group...yeah ... I mean SHE really was there )
Now I'm the happy odd lady doing salutations to the sun in the park...
 what a blessed freedom that is!
Not young or thin or rich ... I am on a mission to celebrate all that aging has to offer to find the gifts and celebrate each and everyone!
.I believe it is our duty to help change the tide of thinking in this cultureto help minimize the fear of aging highlighting the gifts it can bring.
We will be helping not only ourselves ...but those much younger following behind us on this path that is life's journey
So if I change the name of my blog to
Not Young or Thin or Rich -but still living a beautiful life
you'll know it's me.
Not young or thin or rich ...
 as always dear friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life
I am so grateful to be traveling this roadwith you

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