As we flew into Geneva we were struck by how much greener the trees were than those in England. In some respects Spring is so much further advanced in France / Switzerland. We were able to sit outside in the garden beyond seven-o-clock in the evening, with the temperature still at a comfortable 23C.
Fiona's garden is full of Tulips at present, and they are looking really spectacular. She has planted lots of different types, and they are informally scattered all over the property, by the side of the drive, at the bases of the trees, etc.

I have no idea what variety they all are (nor has Fiona!), but I couldn't resist taking loads of photos of them...

Tomorrow I will write about some other aspects of the garden in Ornex, but for now I want to finish with this. Just 500 metres from Fiona's house is newly-finished primary school, which will be very handy when her little daughter (currently only 16 months old) is ready to start school. This is a warning sign near the school entrance. Very appropriate, I think!

P.S. This is the nearest I got to a harvest -- we went shopping in the local market (I mean SHOPPING!), and bought loads of edible goodies, which I will represent with this one photo:

P.P.S. OK, yes, I did get a harvest! We got home at about six p.m. on Sunday evening, and I just had time to do a quick tour of the garden, during which I cut these few spears of Asparagus.