Today I spent the day at the hairdressers, moving my now warm orange/brown/blonde hair to a cooler ash/pearl blonde (See Not Going Grey Gracefully Part 1 if you missed the first part of my hair color change journey). Firstly my hair was stripped of the remaining color and we managed to remove more of the brown that was still at the ends of my hair. Then I had a bleach bath which removed as much as possible of the orange before we chose two shades of blonde to dye my hair. You will notice in the pics below that with the orange hair, you see my hair before my face. With the ash blonde you see my eyes and face first (which is the ideal result!)

We selected a 7.1 (Medium Ash Blonde) and then Karleigh my hairdresser at Anthony Nitson Hair mixed an 8 1/2 Pearl Blonde for the highlights. We did this mix so that I will hopefully get 8 weeks before I have to redye when my roots come through (rather than the 2 weekly dye job I was having to do when I was a brunette). The minute that my new color was exposed, I noticed that you see my face first again, rather than the hair (which is ideal, unlike in the pic above with the orange hair, you see hair before face) and the apprentice who was drying my hair said that my skin color had completely changed from looking washed out and pale with the warm hair colour, to looking much more olive and healthy with my new blonde!