Finance Magazine

Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....

By Sue15cat
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
Not everything is picture perfect.  
Blog world is full of images of perfect lives, clean animals, lovingly home cooked meals served on tables laid with napkins and matching cutlery.  Manicured gardens and luscious looking healthy vegetables laid out neatly in rows.
My idea of blogging is all about telling and showing life as it happens which means that occasionally I show you two of the pooches snoozing in front of a roaring fire ....
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
... but I tend not to show you a lazy nights tea, although I might mention it.  
When there's just me at home and I'm sick of washing pots all day after a marathon chutney making session I might choose to eat plain old potato wedges straight out of the baking tin with just a dollop of mayonnaise for garnish, so that the only washing up is a fork and a tin that only needs a swish in hot soapy water, but I wouldn't think for a minute to photograph it.... usually !!
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
I show you the polytunnel looking all neat and tidy after a weeding and watering session which you all compliment me on ..... and I thank you for that.  I tend not to photograph it for the 'Polytunnel Progress' reports when I've just up-ended a big pot of compost and it's gone everywhere and I find Rosy's latest dead rabbit lying on the floor.
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
I don't usually photograph the Aga when it's draped with washing ... which it is most days now, we don't have a dryer and these damp days mean that even things that have been out on the line all day need an hour to air and finish off inside.
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
I haven't show you this covered bed which has remained covered all through the growing season because ... well it just never got planted in .... what a waste!!
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
You may have seen this lovely weed filled bed in the background of a few shots.  The Butternut Squash plants in the middle section went out too late and came to nothing ... the bed at the right of the photograph is still waiting to be weeded.
What am I saying ..... well really I'm just keeping it real.  
Sometimes it may appear that my life is picture perfect and everything gets done on time, that I whizz through my days like a whirlwind of productivity, that I sit down to home cooked, home grown, home preserved foods every night in a beautifully clean house with the dogs lined up in rapt attention waiting for an organic dog chew to be forthcoming  but these pictures today show the reality that I don't always show on the blog but do try to talk about.
Sometimes in life we have to read the words, read between the lines and not just look at the pretty pictures.
Not Everything is Picture Perfect .....
Here's how part of my kitchen looks today, shelves empty ready for the electric work, part of which is through the hatch you can see on the ceiling, on the solar power system that is currently being installed.  They could be empty for some time, we've just found out that out electricity meter is in an unacceptable and potentially dangerous position and the whole lot is going to have to be moved to a safer location before the work is completed ....  to quote a Blogging Buddy ... 'Hey Ho'.
Sue xx

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