Diaries Magazine

Norwich Life

By Jackscott

Liam and I are taking a little jolly to Shrewsbury (pronounced Shrowsbury or Shroosbury – we’ve not sure which) and Ludlow (definitely pronounced Ludlow) to see if west country living might fit the bill for our dotage. Knaresborough in North Yorkshire is still at the top of the leader board but it pays to shop around. It’ll be a quick gander round the streets before retiring to a local hostelry to compare notes and house prices. In the meantime, by way of an intermission, I give you a few snaps of our Norwich life taken as we went about our business. I spy Roving Jay at one of our occasional boozy bloggers’ conventions. Enjoy!

Brain of Norwich Spooky Me Take Seat We Are Not an Island Turkish Barbers Science Festival Cinema City Mr Cool Dancing Skeleton Spooky Violinist The Maddermarket Surfquake Merry-Go-Round Eye on the Prize Naughty Trio Sun Over the City Bar Tapas Mural Oil Drum Drummer Coffee on the Go Cherry Blossom Cheers Needham Place Liam Irish Buskers Tunnel of Light Spring in Norwich The Saxy Busker Best Outdoor Market Batmobile 52.630886 1.297355

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