The video has shaken the world !
Yeonmi Park - a human rights activist who fled Kim Jong Un's brutal land known as North Korea, explains how living in North Korea is a brutal & miserable thought.
Her speech has already reached more then 70 million people and continues to do so. Each heart and mind she had managed to pass the scenario of her Country, has been filled with tears and blessings. She managed to escape the land of North Korea - a world of Kim Jong Un's, not for a better life but to escape from hell. She walked the largest desert region of Asia- Gobi Desert to enter China with just a compass & stars.
She recollects the painfull memories, the immense pain that her mother was raped in front of her, by a Chinese broker. Speaking at the ' One Young World Summit' held in Dublin, in 2014, Yeonmi Park says:
" In North Korea we have a saying -'women are weak, but mothers are strong'. I was 13 years old... They targeted me. My mother allowed herself to be raped, to protect me..."
We aspire to share her story and truth about North Korea so that it may reach to more and more people and make the Human Right's Organisations of World to take some initiative. Her miserable journey of living in North Korea, from a in mere age of 3- 14 will make you realize the brutalities of Country.
The renewed interest in the footage, taken from the One Young World conference about 2 years back, had emerged in limelight after the murder of North Korean leader Kim Jon-un's estranged half-brother.
The death of Kim Jong-nam has raised more questions about the iron grip the North Korea dictatorship has over its citizen's.
We request you to share the video as much as you can.