Eco-Living Magazine

North Dorset Ecohomes Event, 17-18 May

Posted on the 12 May 2014 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

North Dorset Ecohomes Event, 17-18 May

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North Dorset’s first Open Ecohomes event will take place on the 17th and 18th May. A chance to visit and learn from householders and managers of community buildings who have made environmental improvements to their properties. Thirteen properties are opening. Times vary, and some visits need to be booked in advance.

Lots to see, from sustainable building materials, to renewable energy technologies, to how lifestyle changes can save you money and carbon. One example, where a new owner, enthusiastic for low carbon living, is transforming their home  :”The dwelling dates from 1890 and has transformed its energy efficiency grade from E to a B. “

The event is organised by North Dorset District Council in conjunction with the Green Open Homes Network.  For full details go to

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