Lifestyle Magazine

No Time To Linger…

By Theutterblog @utterlywow

So many thoughts and so little time.  Are you ready for a fast and furious kinda post?

  • Receiving RSVPs back is joyful.
  • Hearing how excited your guests are is joyful.
  • Having your guests tweet you pictures of their cake trials for The Great Wedding Bake Off is joyful.
  • Just generally, so much joy.
Look at these beauts!

Look at these beauts!

  • On the other hand, and at risk of providing too much information, I have never noticed my monthly cycle as much as during the planning of this wedding. There’s the week when I’m feeling so creative it hurts, the week where I GET THINGS DONE, the week where I procrastinate and the week where I do bugger all. Currently going though the procrastinating/bugger all stage, so not an awful lot of wedding updates to report, but an awful lot of questions and ponderings. Such as…
  • What reading for the ceremony??
  • I had high hopes for a reading.  I thought I knew what I wanted: a medium-length piece of modern prose that spoke of companionship and a deeper kind of love, and that balanced a healthy dose of emotion with a hint of cutting humor. But then I discovered that finding something so specific is NIGH ON IMPOSSIBLE.
  • The only thing I’ve found so far is the ‘Love is a temporary madness’ excerpt from Captain Corelli’s Mandolin. I love the length and the sentiment behind it, but it doesn’t have the humor nor the originality I was hoping for.
  • I had a little think about what my ideal wedding reading would be, and came up with something from my favorite comedian and wordsmith, Daniel Kitson. I have a lot of love for that bearded Northerner and thought I’d be able to find and use a sweet, funny and moving extract from one of his one-man shows. Except his transcripts aren’t anywhere. ANYWHERE.
  • So I did what any normal person would do and I found an email address on the internet and I emailed him.
  • He’s not emailed me back, the b*****d.
  • So I’m back to square one on the reading front.  If anyone knows of anything that fits the bill (prose, modern, meaningful and witty), then please do share!
  • I also had ‘write vows’ on the To-Do list for February but have no idea where to start.
  • We’re not going to do the whole write-our-own-separately-and-reveal-all-on-the-day malarkey (although I admire those who do), but the choices we’ve received from Kent Ceremonies are so naff and devoid of meaning, I’ve decided I’d like to write something for us both to say that, again, strikes the right balance between emotion and light relief.
  • Are you writing your vows? Did you write your vows? HELP ME. PLEASE.**
  • On the DIY front, I made the basis for my table plan and it looks a little something like this:
Tate Modern standard, I reckon.

Tate Modern standard, I reckon.

  • I know a picture frame and some randomly carefully-placed ribbon isn’t the height of originality, but years and years ago I cut out this image from an Ideal Home magazine and always wanted to replicate it when I got married.  Just got to work out how to display the names and table numbers on it now…
  • My Hen Do plans seem to be coming along nicely! (Thank you bridesmaids.)  I once talked about a fantasy hen do that involved London, members’ clubs and rooftop pools. Ahem… yeah. In reality I realised that’s never gonna happen; I’m just not that cool.
  • So instead, I ordered (that’s right, I said ‘ordered’) a day and a night away in the county I should have been from and where Paul and I got together… Essex. There will be an assault course, there will be hotel games, there will be dancing in to the early hours and there will most likely be white stilettos.
  • I can’t bloomin’ wait.
  • We’re collecting our rings on Thursday and I’m in the process of filling in the passport form to get my name changed. Momentous things. Yikes.
  • But in other news, the table linen saga rumbles on.
  • I found a whole host of beautiful natural fabrics but the prices were so extortionate (a £1000 cleared deposit? Are you kidding me??) that it’s just not gonna happen. So it looks like we’re going to be making them instead. My poor Mum.

And yes, I know I said that I would never mention *table linen* again, but hey, that’s the joy of writing a blog. I can cross my fingers when making promises I can’t keep, and no-one can see me do it. Mwa ha ha ha ha…

Til next time, folks.

Sama xxx

**Edit: Mere minutes after finishing this post last night, I noticed that the lovely people at A Practical Wedding must have been reading my mind. They’ve only gone and done a post inviting readers to share their handwritten vows! I may have been up way too late last night reading everyone’s answers…

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