Books Magazine

Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt

By Lauriej

 Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt 
Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt
Nightmare Ink
Marcella Burnard
Release Date: April 2014
Publisher: Intermix
Genre:Urban Fantasy
ISBN: 91101630228
Book Description:
With the needle of a tattoo gun, Isa Romanchzyk has the power to create and destroy. In her shop Nightmare Ink, Isa helps those in need by binding the powers embedded in their Live Ink—the magical tattoos that can enhance the life of the wearer, or end it.  But binding tattoos has earned Isa the contempt of her fellow artists—including her former lover Daniel.
When a friend comes to the shop with a tattoo on the verge of killing him, Isa can’t turn him away. For the first time in years, she works Live Ink into someone’s skin—something she swore she’d never do again. But breaking her vow soon becomes the least of her problems.
Isa is horrified to discover her friend’s body in the shop, but the real nightmare begins when she’s abducted and inked against her will.  Now, as she seeks retribution from the man who betrayed her, Isa must figure out how to bind her Living Tattoo before it consumes her completely...  Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt 
“Hey, pretty lady. You look lonely,” a smooth, musical voice said as she strode toward her shop door.
She glanced at the striking young man reclining against the back of the bus shelter that stood in front of the kitchen wares store two doors down. In the glare of the streetlights, the young man, dressed in skintight dark Levi’s, a shirt that outlined every defined muscle, and a beat-up leather jacket, raked Isa with a hungry glance.
Had to be one of Patty’s “projects” if he was working her territory.
“A couple of Ria’s gang tagged that shelter this morning,” Isa said, trusting he’d been on the streets long enough to know which gang claimed this part of Ballard Avenue. “Smear it and they’ll tag you.”
He jerked upright, swearing.
She smiled and reached for the door of Nightmare Ink.
“Aw, chica,” he said. “You don’t want to go in there. The owner, she’s a bruja. A witch. People say she’s got a secret room down in the basement. You go in there and part of you dies.” Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt 
Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt
About the Author:
Marcella Burnard graduated from Cornish College of the Arts with a degree in acting. She writes science fiction romance for Berkley Sensation.
Her first book, Enemy Within won the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice award for Best Futuristic of 2010. The second book in the series, Enemy Games, released on May 3, 2011.
An erotica novella, Enemy Mine, set in the same world as the novels was released as an e-special edition by Berkley was released in April 2012. Emissary, a sword and sorcery short story released in the two volume Thunder on the Battlefield Anthology in the second half of 2013.  Nightmare Ink by Marcella Burnard: Spotlight with Excerpt Follow the Tour!  
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