Debate Magazine

NH State Legislator: The Obamas Are a Made-up Family

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Harry Accornero is a former Republican member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, representing Belknap 4 from 2010 to 2012.

He ran for re-election in 2012, defeated Glenn E. Dewhirst in the September 11 Republican primary, but lost to Democrat Beth Arsenault (46.6% to 53.4%) in the general election on November 6, 2012.

This is Accornero’s letter to the editor of the Laconia Daily Sun, March 21, 2014.

Former NH state rep. Harry Accornero

Former NH state rep. Harry Accornero

Who are the Obamas? People, I believe this is a made-up family

To the Laconia Sun,

Who are the Obamas? I for one do not believe the Obama’s are a real family.

Are the Obamas married? Is Michelle really a Michelle or a Michael? Are the girls really their daughters? Why are Obama’s records sealed? Why doesn’t anyone remember him from college? Why is there no original birth certificate? Where are his old girlfriends or boyfriends? People, this is a totally made up family.

The fix was in way before he ran for the Senate. How could this happen? Well, it took many, many people to sell out America and bring this communist into power. In my opinion the media help make him and his made-up family a reality. They made America believe that if we did not vote for a black American we were racist, and we swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

The Democratic leadership, with the help of many in the Republican Party were willing accomplices in this plot to overthrow America. Over the past 40-plus years the progressives/liberals with the help of many in the Republican Party have worked to make this a reality.

America was asleep at the wheel. We never believed this could happen in America, after all we are a free people. We had God on our side. Well, starting in the 1960s we turned our back on God and embraced abortion. We slowly took away parental rights. We took God and prayer out of our schools. We have allowed people who mean to do us harm to enter our country illegally and then we give them legal status and hand out American taxpayer dollars to them and tell our military to go to hell. We have set up a welfare system that rewards people who do not work to stay home and do nothing while working people pay for their way.

Now thanks to the Obama administration and the left wing of the Republican Party we have shredded our Constitution. As bad as this is, what is even worse is that America is still asleep at the wheel. We talk and talk and talk, but are afraid to take action. Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves knowing that the gave their lives to give us a republic and a Constitution, only to have it taken away without one shot being fired.

Harry Accornero

In October 2011, while still a state representative, Accornero sent an email to every New Hampshire state representative stating that Obama “has crossed the line, and under Article III section 3 of our Constitution is guilty of treason by giving aid and comfort to the enemy and attempting to overthrow our government from within. We have a President who allows our borders to be violated by illegals of any country while we are at war. He allows them work permits, access to our services and when apprehended by law enforcement refuses to have them jailed or deported.”

See also:

  • Michelle Obama is a transexual?,” March 14, 2014.
  • British Intelligence: Obama born in Kenya; CIA’s DNA test shows Dunhams not his grandparents,” Feb. 26, 2014.
  • Hawaii Dept of Education can’t find Obama’s school records,” Feb. 3, 2014.
  • Terrorist Ayers Finally Admits He Wrote aka Obama’s Book,” Jan. 31, 2014.
  • Who is Obama? Even can’t verify his identity,” Jan. 6, 2014.
  • Investor’s Business Daily editorial asks if Obama’s entire life is a fiction,” Dec. 2, 2013.
  • Where are Obama’s daughters’ baby pics and birth records?,” Nov. 29, 2013.


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