Finance Magazine

Next Cupboard Please

By Sue15cat
Next Cupboard Please
Once you start something it's hard to stop, and after the cupboard tidying of the other day I continued on the baking tray drawer.  Everything was hoiked out and the drawer wiped out.
Next Cupboard Please
The difference with this one was that not one single thing is not in use ..... alright I don't make gingerbread men that often ... but I do make them  :-)
After piling the baking trays and tins out on the worktop I stopped for a minute to admire them.  It has taken me years to acquire this lovely lot.  I would have given my eye teeth for them back in the day when I baked for my two boys, back then I had to manage with cheap tins bought from discount stores that made us jump out of our skins when they warped with a loud bang in the oven, often flinging fish fingers or chicken nuggets off with the ferocity of the buckling metal.
Now I love my tins, yes I do have some older and more battered, much loved ones that reside in the drawer above this one, which will be tidied next, but this drawerful of matchy, matchy tins, scrubbed well after each use and looked after tell me something important .... that I have moved forward to a good place in my life.  Where paying off debts and living within our means meant we could afford to invest in the very backbone of what we are doing, and having the right tins, quality tins, mean making our own food from scratch is just that little easier and satisfying.
Next Cupboard Please
I only went in the drawer for this tin .... see how one thing leads to another with me ;-)
Sue xx

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