Legal Magazine

New York Times Blasts Judge in Legal Schnauzer Case, But Never Mentions the Judge By Name

Posted on the 11 February 2014 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler
This is Carol, Roger's wife. The New York Times repeatedly criticizes the judge in the Legal Schnauzer incarceration case, but it never mentions the judge's name. 

One expert compares Circuit Judge Claud Neilson to an idiot and says the judge's actions are "unconstitutional." Another expert says Neilson's actions are "really way out of bounds." And every expert cited in the article says that Neilson is acting unlawfully. But Neilson's name is never mentioned.

"Claud Neilson is essentially the central character in the story," Roger Shuler says. "He certainly is the central bad guy and comes in for extraordinary criticism from those in his own professional field, the law. That The New York Times chose not to mention him by name is one of the most baffling editorial decisions I've ever seen. It would be like a Times reporter covering a New York Yankees game with the Yankees winning on a ninth-inning home run, but the newspaper never reporting who hit the home run. It's strange beyond belief, one of many oddities in a very strange story."

The New York Times - New York, NY

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