Lifestyle Magazine

New Year’s (Style) Resolutions

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark


Developing your personal style or brand is a never-ending, ever-evolving process. What some might consider shallow or frivolous is actually vital to staying relevant. The concept of “staying relevant” might not be on your radar until you’re in your late 30s or 40s, but it’s never too early to be concerned.

Why is it so important to hang on to this relevance? If you have a job or a career, that is the primary reason. Credibility comes in many fashions – professional, creative, political – and, because humans form first impressions usually based on what they visually perceive, it’s best to use your image to craft that perception to your favor.

So, while making a list of things to improve upon this year, don’t forget to include one or two about your image. Here are a few suggestions to help you:

1.) I will shop more strategically

It’s simple, start shopping for your wardrobe as if you were grocery shopping. For example, keep a list of what you need and shop with that list. Most of us wouldn’t set out to do our grocery shopping without a list – shopping for clothing isn’t much different. If you have a list, you buy what you need.

2.) I will only buy what I love

It’s a trap which is easy to fall into: we need something specific for our wardrobe, but we can’t find exactly what we want – so we end up buying something to fill the gap. That’s called settling, and we all know it’s not a good idea. The solution is simple, only buy what you really love. This strategy requires more patience – there’s less instant gratification – but we end up with a better image overall.

3.) I will appreciate my own unique style

Trends come and go. Some stay longer than others. What’s important is that you look great every day – whether those trends are integrated into your wardrobe or not. If you like a trendy style, figure out how to make it work for you. But please don’t wear something simply because everyone else is wearing it, that will only dilute your sparkly personality.

Appreciate that you have a unique sense of style, and be constantly on the look-out for ways to communicate that with clothing. Make a style muse board on Pinterest to use as your style compass and chart your own fashion path through the year.

Have a stylish and prosperous New Year!

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