Entertainment Magazine

New Year's Eve[2011] and a Bad Cinema Experience

Posted on the 23 December 2011 by Diana @azizaspicks
New Year's Eve[2011] and a bad cinema experience
So, a couple of days ago I left cold London to go to an even colder home town somewhere in Eastern Europe. I missed my friends so we decided to go watch a movie. Since you can only find action, family or comedies ones in the cinema, my friend asked to go see New Year's Eve with her, and I, being the great girl that I am, said yes.
First of all, let me just say, actually, vent about a 2 horrendous people who I met there. Before going in, I waited 5 minutes outside, reading a magazine. Next to me was a couple- normal, right? Think again- they were laughing and talking aloud whilst looking around and probably gossiping(including me); they were being simply put- jerks. After my friend arrived, we went inside and guess next to whom my seat was? The douchebag and his girlfriend. And the laughter continued and I was starting to wonder if I had something on my face or did something wrong!Anyway, I ignored them....that was until the movie started and they were talking during it, not only to each other and for most of the time, but also on the phone- yes, you read it right, on the phone! And for the most important part of the movie, during the great, intentionally inspiring speech Hillary Swank gave, they were laughing yet again!Ahhh!I just wanted to punch them so badly!
Anyway, back to the movie! As you can imagine, it wasn't a masterpiece and there were so many bad things to it, so I am just going to write down some notes I mentally took during the screening:
- Wow, this poster just gave Photoshop a new definition! So unnatural!- This script is horrible! So many cheesy lines and predictable stories!- Michelle Pfeifer looks rather old- it's sad!IBut I still like her!- Zac Efron is older....and fatter....and uglier! I knew I had a good reason not to like him since the beginning!- Seriously, how many celebrities can you fit into one movie?- Is it just me or is Jon Bon Jovi a pretty decent actor?- Oh yes, Seth Meyers is on screen- that is where my money went to! Thank you! (did I ever tell you I love SNL?)- If only I had a hot (well, ZE isn't, but you get my point) delivery guy who would be willing to make my dreams come true....- Even Ryan Seacrest showed up; I like him, you got to admit the guy is charming- perfect TV host- Oh my goodness, Sofia Vergara is so adorable and sexy...and pretty funny!- Why is Lea Michele's character named Elise? she is obviously Rachel from Glee!- Ok, can we skip the De Niro, Swank, Dushmel parts? - Oh yes, Seth Meyers, Jessica Biel and the magical vagina are back on screen- and are making me laugh! Thank you!- This fast paced, storyline mixing situation is getting weird. It doesn't have consistency, I get confused sometimes, especially when they start connecting the characters, always trying to figure out who was with who! Let's just get it over with!
And then, after a great, extremely predictable ending scene with Raise your glass on the background, New Year's Eve was over!
The End!
Final thought- recommend or not?The boys will probably hate it or think it's too cheesy for them!The girls- hmm, well, it's funny in some parts+ you have a lot of celebrities! Give it a try on DVD!

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