Lifestyle Magazine

New Year, New Things to Learn! Dare Yourself!

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG

(by guest blogger Vera Marie Reed)  Now that a new year is upon us, it is time for a new beginning.  There are plenty of ways to wipe the slate clean.  One of those ways is to organize your life.  Sure, you may think that you have everything organized.  But, do you?
If you don’t, then we have you covered.  The information below will keep you organized.  As a result, you can help make 2017 go more smoothly.  Get ready to reorganize your life.
Different Locations - Different PlansIf you are like most people, you probably have some sort of organization process for every location.  Regardless of where you are, you probably have some sort of way to organize things.  But, you need to ask yourself if it is working.
If you are still feeling unorganized, then chances are that your process needs to change.  So how do we fix it?  It depends on where you are.
Organize Your HomeIf you are at home, you probably have everything in one big pile.  Your bills and paperwork are stuck in the same place.  No wonder you feel unorganized.  Nothing is in order.
Instead, try creating different piles.  Getting folders to differentiate your bills from your paperwork, and any other category you may need, will help differentiate each subject.  Better yet, getting different colored folders will help you even more.  For example, you can use a green folder for your bills, and color-code the rest of your categories as you see fit.
Organize Your WorkspaceMany workers have two baskets.  One is for incoming mail and papers.  The other is for outgoing material.  However, consider a third option.  Creating a “to-do later” basket will help you to remember to go over things at the end of the day.  You might even be able to knock some paperwork out before you leave, which will definitely help you organize your life.
Organize Your EmailHowever, there is more to it than just your physical paperwork.  What about your email?  Everyone gets bombarded with several pieces of email.  Are you going through it, and deleting it, or are you just leaving it there?  Doing the latter is similar to the physical pile at home.  But, there is a way to organize it.
First, make sure you delete old emails.  If you don’t need them, get rid of them.  It’s just wasting cyberspace.  Next, use virtual folders.  Many email systems have folders built in that are organized for you.  If yours doesn’t, you may have the option to create them.  Explore your email system, and check with your human resources department.  They may be able to guide you on how to organize your emails better.
For the Book Lover in All of UsBut, there are other ways of organizing your life besides the bills, and in the workplace.  It is also a good idea to organize your personal space.  For example, many people love to read books.  If you are interested in reading, there are plenty of classics to choose from.  But, have you thought about getting an e-reader?
E-readers allow you to read books and magazines on a computer screen.  This serves two benefits.  Since many of us have our e-readers or laptops with us while we are on-the-go, we can read anywhere we want. 
The second benefit is about space.  Having these devices also saves you from having all those hardcopy books.  They are now in your computer.  As a result, you can save room in your house for other things.  You can create anything in the space that is now opened up, and use it for other things.
Let Yourself GoIt’s OK to let yourself go.  Don’t let yourself get stuck in a work pattern that eliminates your own life.  As with bills and paperwork, it is time to throw out anything else you don’t need in your life.  Allow yourself to make it your own.  By letting go of what keeps you so busy, you will be able to control your own life, and become happier.
Conclusion Organizing your own life is something that many of us struggle with.  However, by motivating yourself to do it, you will start to realize that everything runs smoother.  Your bills and paperwork will have their own sections, your emails will be more readable, and your own personal life will feel less cluttered.  Doing this now will help make 2017 your best year yet.


Year, Things Learn! Dare Yourself!

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