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New Year, New Look

By Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
I change my hair, my walls and even my blog often it turns out.  I spent today doing some  redesign around these parts. I realized I do this every year. So much for branding...
So here are the headers from the past few years.  (Google "wayback machine" if you ever want to see old incarnations of websites.) I found 2 of mine, but I can't find my first header from 2009. It was a scan of specked coral fabric from a bag I found at Target.
So here are the years in review:
2012 New Year, New Look I also had a pink orange and red version of this too. New Year, New Look
2011 New Year, New Look 2010
New Year, New Look
Have a safe and exciting New Years! See you in 2013!

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