Hello friends! Well, 2020 was one hell of a year wasn't it... and as we move into 2021 I have decided to make some changes to the way I communicate with you all. I started this blog in 2008 when my son was 8 years old. None of my family lives in Dallas, so I thought a blog would be a fun way to share stories of what our family was doing and where we were going to stay connected. It was an unexpected surprise that I also found was a community of people who were also first-time parents, exploring this city, wanting to know more about Dallas and how we were experiencing it.
And thus Oh So Cynthia was born.
A few years later, when my son entered Middle School, he made it quite clear that he was not down with me sharing photos and stories about him on the internet. So, I decided to turn the camera around and instead of the focus being on my family, I would spotlight where I went, what I saw, and who I met. And that's really when this thing took off.
In the last few years, I have been doing more and more freelance writing for newspapers and publications, and using their audience as a way to spread my love of Dallas even further. Today, I am the Dallas Editor for Society Texas magazine. Each issue gives readers a dynamic insider’s view of the bold lifestyle and exciting personality of Texas targeting the most influential demographic. Published bi-monthly, each issue of Society Texas is proudly displayed in the most luxurious residences, hotels, spas, and retail points across Texas. In every issue, I share Dallas' hottest events and coolest people with readers throughout the state of Texas and feature three restaurants or bars in the magazine SAVOR feature. I am also a regular Contributor to Dallas Hotel Magazine, the definitive guide for discerning visitors to Big D. And most recently, I have partnered with the Katy Trail Weekly newspaper as their Society Editor to revamp their Scene Around Town feature and shine a spotlight on nonprofits and the volunteers that give back to our city.
Did I mention that all of this is outside of my "real" job as a Partner and Publicist at Gangway Advertising? Google "woman who wears many hats" and you'll see a picture of me. LOL. In a constant attempt to better balance all of the balls I am juggling, I have decided to redirect my attention away from this website. I hope that we can stay connected through my social media channels. You can find me on Instagram, Clubhouse, Twitter, and Facebook. You can continue to learn more about Dallas through the articles published in all of the publications I just mentioned above, and read original blog posts on my NEW website at CynthiaSmoot.com.
I hope that 2021 brings you health, happiness and a damn vaccine shot so we can all get back to enjoying life! Peace out. ✌