Entertainment Magazine

New Tune-yards Track Has the Power to Instantly Make Your Day Better [stream]

Posted on the 08 April 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

1898030 10152261256034727 1530684728 n 620x620 NEW TUNE YARDS TRACK HAS THE POWER TO INSTANTLY MAKE YOUR DAY BETTER [STREAM]

Guys, no joke — this morning was pretty shitty. It was rainy, a homeless guy screamed at me and I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to listen to for a good hour. Luckily, I was greeted by a brand new tUnE-yArDs track in my inbox, and suddenly all the troubles of the world dissipated. The rain went away and cookies showed up on my desk! The power of music!

“Wait for a Minute” finds a softer side of Merrill Garbus. Lacking the primal screams and pure power of many of her tracks, the song focuses instead on how lovely her voice can sound. There are still the looping vocal rhythms that are her trademark, but even that intensity is muted and almost downy. It’s just another example of how wildly creative and varied tUnE-yArDs can be, and gives us another reason to be excited for Nikki Nack, out May 5th on 4AD. Because, you know, we weren’t screaming it from the heavens already.

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