Blogger posted this message on my home page and I wanted to share it with you:
'Your new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.'Please bear with me as we go through this time of transition on this blog. I am not sure what to expect or what you can expect when the transition actually goes through, as I am new to this as well. It is my hope that nothing major will change over and everything will be all good, but sometimes technology has a mind of its own.
Also Girl Lost In a Book now has a facebook page, so you can follow along there as well. Please go and like the page here and support this blog!! Please let me know what you think about these changes as they are an effort to make this blog more accessible to readers everywhere. I apologize in advance for any technical problems. Thanks!!
Kimberlee (Girl Lost In a Book)