This week an important new piece of research on bisexuality was launched: Complicated: Bisexual people’s experiences of, and ideas for, accessing services by the Equality Network.
It is the first UK wide research report to focus specifically on bisexual people’s experiences of accessing services.
The report’s key findings were:
- Bisexual people are highly unlikely to share their sexual orientation with services, most commonly because of fear of negative reactions.
- 66% feel that they have to pass as straight and 42% feel they need to pass as gay or lesbian when accessing services.
- 48% have experienced biphobic comments and 38% have experienced unwanted sexual comments about them being bisexual while accessing services.
- The highest amounts of biphobia experienced are within LGBT services and NHS services.
- 61% have experienced multiple discrimination. 35% said that they are disabled.
You can download the full report here. And a media reports about it in Bi Community News and Gay Star News.